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Q&A with Echo '24, National Honor Society President

Posted November 03, 2023 in Articles

Q&A with Echo '24, National Honor Society President

One of the most unique strengths of our Lawrence community is the diverse opportunities for each of our students to shine. One such extracurricular is our National Honor Society (NHS). Being a part of NHS is an invaluable experience for students to acquire the essential knowledge and abilities required to prepare for leadership positions that can bring about positive changes in their schools, communities, and beyond. By joining NHS, students can develop their leadership abilities while contributing meaningfully to their communities

Scholarly, service, leadership, and character have been the core values of the NHS for over a century. These guiding principles serve as a framework that unlocks the potential of NHS members, enhancing their educational journey and empowering them to make a significant and long-lasting impact on the world. Our Upper Campus offers many opportunities to cultivate students' skills and talents, and NHS is one of those incredible opportunities available.

Keep reading for a Q&A with Echo '24 about their role as NHS president.

Q: What inspired you to run for NHS president?

A: It truly is a privilege to be an NHS member, and I recognize that privilege. I was a member last year, and I realized that I wanted to do more. I feel very passionately about NHS because I love helping people. I love being a leader and having the responsibility that comes with being NHS president. Knowing all this, I knew I wanted to run for president.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish as NHS president?

A: My hope is to have all NHS members work together more effectively. I would also love for NHS, GYLI (Global Youth Leadership Institute), Student Council, Black Student Union, and GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) members to work alongside each other and support the work of each group. Additionally, Mrs. Sternad (NHS advisor) and I want to provide NHS members with more volunteer opportunities outside of raising money for people in need. I am also trying to learn everyone's strengths and weaknesses so that I can put them in the best position to succeed.

Q: What leadership qualities do you possess that make you the right fit for this role?

A: One of the things I care most about when it comes to leading is listening. I listen attentively to each NHS member to understand what they’re saying. I also make sure to ask questions so that I don’t misinterpret what they’re trying to tell me. I know that everyone thinks differently, and the last thing I want is for NHS members to think that I’m not listening to them or taking their ideas into thoughtful consideration. Every good leader, in my opinion, needs to be a skilled communicator, which is why I make it a point to actively listen, ask questions, and send out emails every week recapping our meetings. Every NHS member also has my phone number in case they need to ask me anything outside of school.

Q: How do you plan to involve other students and make their voices heard?

A: All NHS members have the opportunity to participate in the school community by working the snack kart during lunch and volunteering at events throughout the school year. Also, to ensure that voices are heard and engagement is up, all opinions and ideas are welcome. In fact, I write everybody’s ideas down then we discuss them as a group.

Q: What is your vision for improving school culture and student life?

A: When I graduate from Lawrence and hand over the presidency to someone else, I want to make sure that NHS, GYLI, GSA, the Black Student Union, and Student Council all continue to work together long after I leave. This is why I am actively trying to get all these organizations to work together while I'm president. I also want us to get more actively involved in the community. Doing so will help build our school’s relationship with the community.

Q: How will you work with the administration and faculty to achieve your goals?

A: With Mrs. Sternad’s support, I will explain to the faculty NHS’s ideas and how we can be more involved in the school and community.

Q: How do you plan to communicate with your fellow students and keep them informed about NHS?

A: I've noticed that a lot of students don't know much about NHS, but if they heard more about it and the value that it brings, they may want to apply. It is such an honor to be in the NHS, and I want to make sure that everyone at school realizes that. I always tell other students about how great the NHS is because we need to build up club membership. Right now there are only two NHS members who aren’t seniors, so we need a lot of students to apply for next year! I would love for all NHS members to serve as positive role models for non-NHS members. If we can demonstrate that, then hopefully we can inspire others to do the same. Once the new members of NHS are selected for next year, I want to help mentor them—as well as current NHS members—so that next year's club is better than this year. I want all future generations of NHS members to only get better and better each year.

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