Posted September 05, 2024 in Life at Lawrence
The Curriculum Open House is Tuesday, Sept. 10, from 2 to 4 p.m. All Lower School parents and guardians are encouraged to attend to learn more about our courses, curriculum, and instructional approach. Attendees will go through an abbreviated version of their child’s daily schedule and hear from teachers directly. Plus, there’s a raffle for attendees!
Curriculum Open House Agenda
2:00-3:20 p.m. I Gymnasium
- Meet our administrative team
- Learn about our social-emotional programming
- Understand how your child is placed academically
- Discover our curriculum and data collection methods
- Explore our technology resources
3:20-3:35 p.m. I Math classroom
3:35-3:50 p.m. I Language classroom
Parents/guardians who have students here will join them in their Language room.
4:00 p.m. I Raffle winners announced